feel free to keep it strictly simple...


Modul preset_path_manager
Author Wolfgang Studer
Type admin tool
Version 1.05
State Stable
License GPL
GUID 710b5004-5b13-4efe-ae8d-df8cedfb115b
Platform LEPTON 2.x
Last info 2016-12-17
Forum http://forum.lepton-cms.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=3061
See also lib_setuphelper
Requires LEPTON 2.3, lib_setuphelper
Download preset_path_manager-V1.06.000.zip
Description In some cases various results might be needed for the same module.
To cover such a request, some (more or less) strange allignments in template programming is needed.
To solve such a request in a better way, I created a possibility to define as many "presets" as needed and then to select the currently needed preset in the module.
In order to know where the presets are located, this admin tool is needed. It automatically find all available presets folders, so you can save them with a shortcut name. As you see in the screenshots, you can have many such presets.
Info The question what a preset is, where I can get some templates and how to create my own, you will get answered in the forum.
- http://forum.lepton-cms.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=3052
- http://forum.lepton-cms.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=3062

So far following modules uses presets:
- media_preset
- linker_view
- page_tree
- t.b.c
All this page modules are available here in LEPAdoR too.
A not yet saved preset path awaits processingall preset path found are saved